Why Us Most doctors treat pain, ignoring the underlying cause of your problems. We focus on the the source.
Our Mission To maximize the full expression of life so you may be the absolute best in every area of your life.
What We Do We serve the whole human being and allow your innate wisdom to fully heal you from the inside-out.
During your initial visit Dr. Sukhi will conduct a comprehensive life & health history and full physical neuro-muscular assessment to determine the areas of greatest stress in your body, how well your nervous system is functioning and discover the underlying root cause of your health concerns.
During this time you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your health-related problems, concerns, options and how we may radically improve your quality of life. This initial visit is designed to help us learn more about you and your expectations so we may best serve you by developing a plan that meets your needs and goals.
Once this is complete Dr. Sukhi will share findings with you from the health assessment and together you will come up with a plan of action and care plan complete with lifestyle modifications so you may achieve your health and optimal living goals. If warranted you will receive your first integrative chiropractic adjustment.
What is chiropractic?
Chiropractic is the most sought after natural healthcare system in the world. Millions of people visit a chiropractor every year. Chiropractic is based on the scientific understanding that we are self regulating and self healing organisms and our natural homeostatic state is extraordinary health. If you are not your best physically, mentally or emotionally something has went wrong. Chiropractic care is about integrating the stress and interference to your nervous system so your body’s innate intelligence may do exactly what it was designed to do so you may heal from the inside-out. As your body returns to its innate design and functioning you will enhance your health and quality of life.
Can I get adjusted if I'm pregnant?
Yes, Chiropractic is safe for expecting mothers. We have supported 100’s of pregnant woman helping them achieve their desired birth plans and deliver healthy and vibrant babies.
How much will it cost?
The initial visit is approximately 60 minutes and costs $150. This includes receiving your first adjustment if warranted. Subsequent visits are $45.
Why would I see a chiropractor if I'm not experiencing neck or back pain?
A simple fact of life is that we will all have to invest in our health at some point in our lives. We can do it on the front end and be progressive creating greater and greater levels of health or we can do it on the back end when we get a tap on the shoulder with a diagnosis of a symptom, sickness or disease (this creates a lot more stress, pain and cost). The choice is yours. The most important part of our health is maximizing the full expression of our master control system, the nervous system. When you are clear and connected through your nervous system your innate intelligence makes you more resilient towards disease, more adaptable and allows you to vastly improve your health and quality of life regardless of where you are on the health and disease spectrum. For the same reasons that one exercises, eats well and decreases the amount of stress in their lives, people choose Chiropractic to Live Optimally.
Do you crack people?
There are many different techniques within the Chiropractic Profession. As Vitalistic Chiropractors we work directly with the innate self healing and regulating powers of the Nervous System. Our intent is to unleash your innate intelligence that flows from your brain to every cell in your body allowing you to heal from the inside-out. As a result, we work with the electrical impulses and tone within your nervous system and this does not involve a stereotypical chiropractic adjustment that may create a cracking sound.